City of Houston Green Building Office Endorses PACE Building Efficiency

October 25, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

The City of Houston is pro-PACE Financing, adopted in 2015, and prominently featured on the website. Houston believes that PACE Financing is a powerful tool, truly a game changer for any property owner looking to make energy and water efficiency improvements to their property.

I think Tim Crockett of PACE Building Efficiency can provide not only a good education about PACE, but invaluable expertise helping the property owner manage the whole process, complying with PACE requirements, analyzing multiple efficiency components, as well as evaluating the different lenders and their proposals. No longer limited to just helping renovate building's older mechanical systems, PACE has become a meaningful component of the capital stack for large scale redevelopments which typically encompass new HVAC, Building Controls, Lighting, Windows, Water, even on site micro-grid power generation for resiliency as PACE provides a lower cost of capital when compared to Equity or Mezzanine financing.

I can attest that PACE Building Efficiency was instrumental in bringing PACE Financing to Houston and facilitated the first office building in the State to use PACE and in my opinion, provides superior knowledge and service for any property owner considering upgrading or redeveloping a project. I highly recommend Tim and their services. If you have any questions regarding Tim’s abilities, take a few moments to view his commanding performance in our PACE education seminar from February of this year residing on the Green Building Resource Center website:

Steve Stelzer, AIA, LEED AP, TRUE Advisor
Program Director, Green Building Resource Center
1002 Washington Avenue
Houston, Texas 77002
Direct: 832-394-9050

PACE Building Efficiency Reference Letter City of Houston.jpg