Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX Uses PACE

Congregation Beth Israel, a Jewish synagogue in Austin Texas used PACE to upgrade its building.  PACE, an acronym for Property Assessed Clean Energy is used by both commercial businesses and not-for-profits to finance energy improvements that make financial sense. In this case, a $435,500 comprehensive retrofit produced $35,000 in energy savings - a direct reduction in operating costs. Energy improvement measures included: New Chiller and Boiler Systems and Window Tinting. The improvement costs were offset by locally available gas and energy rebates.




Energy Retrofit Produces Positive Cash Flow in First Year

                                                                Save Energy with New Ligh…

Pier 1 in San Francisco reduced purchased energy consumption by 32% by installing 1,500 new lighting fixtures, a 200 kW rooftop solar array, and retro-commissioning heating and cooling systems.  The 151,000 sw. ft. building was built in 1918 and had an assessed value of $30 million.

Anything that touches an electron or a water molecule are improvements Eligible for PACE financing. PACENow Case Study.